Dear Marketer:
More and more companies today are marketing with white papers and other free content offers.
And for good reason:
- Writing and publishing white papers is the quickest – and easiest – way to establish you or your company as a thought leader in your industry.
- Today’s prospects – both business and consumer – are hungry for useful content and proactively seek information when making purchase decisions. The proof is that 80% of business purchases begin with an online search, and U.S. corporations spent $358 billion on content last year.
- Publishing and giving away useful content is a sure-fire way to build loyalty and goodwill with your prospects and customers. They view content and education as a value-added service provided by the premiere vendors who are not just peddling products but actually want to help their customers solve pressing business problems.
Yet despite the growing popularity of white papers and other free content offers … known today as “content marketing” … thousands of white papers hit the trash without a second glance.
It’s not because content marketing doesn’t work – on the contrary, it performs like gangbusters when properly executed -- but because many marketers are not experienced in the art of creating winning white papers.
By that I mean white papers that strike the right balance between valuable content and promotion – thereby delivering content that impresses prospects while increasing sales.
It’s not that white papers are so difficult to write. Rather, marketers don’t know how to create strategic content offers that support the brand or enable the company to achieve its target objectives.
In an exclusive half-day workshop, I recently taught a select group of b-to-b marcom managers in the NY/NJ area how to create effective white papers and increase ROI from free content offers. Some of the attendees drove as far as 2 ½ hours just to get there!
Now, this same powerful learning experience is available to you on a set of professionally recorded and edited videos as a fun – and eye-opening – white paper marketing course … which you can preview in the privacy of your office or home risk-free for a full 3 months.
Creating winning white paper marketing campaigns – once difficult, now easy.
My best-selling video training program, Marketing with White Papers, reveals everything you need to know to put together a compelling white paper marketing that brings in tons of leads, orders, and money for your business.
In the first two video modules, you’ll find:
- Why you need to create a “bait piece” before you can fish for leads in your marketing campaign.
- How to make your white paper stand out from the thousands that are written and published every year.
- Using the Principle of Reciprocity to make the prospect feel obligated to pay attention to your marketing and sales presentations – and actually be inclined to choose you over other brands.
- How to convince your prospects to look for the exact features your product – and not your competitors – offer … without making a sales pitch.
- Dr. Phil’s “secret weapon” for becoming rich and famous … and how you can use it to position yourself or your company as a thought leader in your industry.
- The 10 most popular topics for white papers – and how to choose the right topic for yours.
- Why you should almost never use the term “white paper” in your marketing copy … and what you should call your white paper instead.
- 5 formulas for creating a great title for your next free white paper or special report.
- How to plan strategic white paper marketing campaigns – and reach all major buying influences -- with a “content matrix.”
- Don’t have time to write a 10-page white paper? Write a one-page “tip sheet” instead. Just fill in this blank form and you’re good to go.
- Impress prospects with your expertise by answering their questions and helping them avoid these common mistakes.
- Mastering the 9-step white paper writing process. Plus: how to gather research from subject matter experts.
- A 7-step outline for creating the perfect white paper for your marketing campaign.
- Designing an attention-getting front cover for your white paper.
- Writing an effective Executive Summary and Statement of Problem.
- The importance of the Conclusions and Call to Action sections of your white paper to achieving your marketing objective.
- Rudolf Flesch’s classic formula can help you write a clear, easy-to-read white papers and other content documents.
- Simple formula for doubling inquiry generation from your ads and other marketing.
- Determining how many draft you need to write with the Exponential Curve of Excellence.
- Creating a graphic design template for your series of white papers.
- How visuals work to communicate and add credibility to written documents. Also: the 8 basic types of visuals … and when to use each.
- Guides … reportalogs … special reports … white papers … e-books … booklets … rack brochures … catalogs … audio CDs … software … DVDs … and other free content formats you can offer in your marketing campaign.
- How to generate inquiries for your white paper with direct mail – e-mail marketing – print ads – PR – and other marketing communications.
- A simple technique that can improve marketing ROI up to tenfold or more.
- What should you stress in your marketing – the brand message or your free content offer?
- How white papers augment the efficiency of the 12-step customer acquisition process.
- 4 steps to making more powerful offers in your marketing campaigns.
- How to convince the prospect that the free white paper you are offering actually has a high value.
- And much, much more….
In the third video module, we show you how to plan and implement a high-profit marketing campaign with white papers and other “free content” offers – integrating your white paper into a multichannel marketing effort that can double or even triple your lead flow and orders. Including:
- The 7 critical differences between b-to-b and consumer marketing – and how to exploit them to your advantage.
- Compelling the prospect to respond to your promotion with “problem intensification” copywriting.
- 30 “power techniques” for boosting business-to-business marketing results.
- The 5-step Motivating Sequence – a proven formula for persuasive writing.
- How a simple change in the wording of the offer increased one software marketer’s sales 10X – with no added marketing cost.
- Selling technology and business products using “false logic.”
- What visuals work best in b-to-b marketing communications? The answer may surprise you.
- How to increase advertising results by appealing to the reader’s curiosity.
- The “drop in the bucket” technique for generating more orders from B2B direct mail.
- Get prospects to pay attention by using news and current events in your sales copy.
- Appealing to your prospect’s ego and greed – two sure-fire attention getters.
- Double your response rates by offering valuable premiums.
- How to add a sense of urgency to your copy.
- Don’t just state your Unique Selling Proposition – prove it with the Call-Out Technique.
- And more….
Special Time-Limited Bonus Gift—229-page Hardcover Book—Yours FREE!!

“The White Paper Marketing Handbook”
List price: $39.95. Yours FREE When You Click Below NOW!
Order my home-study training program on white paper marketing today, and for a limited time only, you can get – absolutely FREE – a copy of my 229-page hardcover book, The White Paper Marketing Handbook: How to Generate More Leads and Sales (cover price: $39.95).
In The White Paper Marketing Handbook, you will discover:
- How to plan and implement a kick-butt white paper marketing campaign. Page 42.
- 10 time-tested tips for writing a killer white paper – on any topic for any market. Page 70.
- The 3 “golden rules” of using white papers to generate a truckload of leads and sales online. Page 178.
- Graphic templates for white paper design. Starts on page 95.
- The proven 6-step formula for writing power-packed case studies that rivet the reader’s attention. Page 134.
- The 14 essential guidelines for good white paper graphic design – ignore them at your peril. Page 100.
- 9 characteristics of winning white papers that educate … build your brand … and sell your product. Page 76.
- 29 actionable ideas for writing content-rich promotional newsletters. Page 115.
- Measuring white paper marketing results: 7 key metrics you should know and track. Page 188.
- 8 types of visuals used in white papers and the information each is best at communicating to your readers. Page 90.
- The 12 most common mistakes made in writing technical white papers and how to avoid each, Page 78.
- 33 ways to get more requests for your white paper from your print ads. Page 148.
- 9 reasons you should test postcards for your next white paper offer. Page 154.
- 6 secrets of successfully selling to engineers, programmers, scientists, and other technical professionals. Page 56.
- 2 quick and simple ways to organize and write white papers that your prospects will absolutely love to read. Page 27.
- 6 tips for using testimonials more effectively in your copy. Page 137.
- 5 “tricks of the trade” for making your white paper so appealing that prospects are compelled to get and read it. Page 146.
- 8 secrets for writing radio commercials that get your phone ringing off the hook with requests for your free content offers. Page 163.
- Increase response rates to free content offers by choosing compelling titles. Page 90.
- Boost your white paper download conversion rates with an e-mail auto-responder series. Page 177.
- Write articles now, then assemble them into white papers later. Page 19.
- Marketing to C-level executives and middle managers. Page 59.
- 8 ways to reuse and recycle case histories. Page 135.
- Generating inexpensive inquiries with free PR. Page 167.
- The 2 things every product and service brochure must absolutely include. Page 142.
- Share your content with your best prospects by presenting free seminars and workshops. Page 117.
- The 6 most common mistakes that make white papers fail. Page 15.
- Boost your content marketing campaign’s power by taking advantage of the 5 modes of learning. Page 10.
- And so much more….
Order now and save $50
You can easily pay $3,000 to $5,000 or more to a top specialist to write just one white paper for your business.
But it won’t cost you $5,000 … or $3,000 … or even $300 to take my home-study course on marketing with white papers.
Marketing with White Papers retails for $127. But order now at the special introductory rate and you save $50 off the cover price.
That’s right: Your investment in ithis 3-module video training program is only $77 – a 39% discount off the list price. (That’s less than I charge my consulting clients for just 20 minutes of my time.)
And that’s the price you pay only if you agree with me that the content marketing approach I teach in Marketing with White Papers can make a major – and lasting -- improvement in your marketing programs.
If it doesn’t, your cost is zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. Because now you can….
Use it risk-free for 90 days
That’s right.
If you are dissatisfied for any reason … or for no reason at all … just return all the DVDs and the bonus hardcover book to me within 90 days.
I’ll refund your $77 payment in full. No questions asked. That way, you risk nothing.
One other thing….
If you are a copywriter or marketing advisor, and you are not suggesting to clients that they use white papers and other free content offers in their marketing, you are doing them – and yourself – a disservice.
As a COPYWRITER, you’ll find that writing white papers is an extremely lucrative assignments … with many writers charging $5,000 or more for each white paper they write.
As a MARKETER, you’ll see your e-mail, ad, and direct mail response rates SOAR when you start offering free white papers in your marketing campaigns.
In fact, adding a free white paper offer to your existing marketing communications can easily double the leads, orders, and sales you generate!
So what are you waiting for?
To order Marketing with White Papers on a 90-day risk-free trial basis at the special introductory discount rate … save $50 off the cover price … and get your FREE Bonus Book (a $39.95 value) … just click below now:
But I urge you to hurry. This special discount and free book offer is for a limited time only. And once it expires, it may never be repeated again.
Bob Bly
P.S. Remember, order the Marketing with White Papers video course today and you get a FREE copy of my 229-page hardcover book, The White Paper Marketing Handbook (list price: $39.95).
But I urge you to hurry. We only have 192 copies of this handsome hardcover book remaining in inventory. Once they are gone, no more will be printed. So act now and grab your FREE HARDCOVER BOOK while we still have copies in our warehouse. After that, it’s too late!
To order our Marketing with White Papers video course … and claim your FREE Bonus Book … just click below now: